Research Coordinator

Mr. Umesh Poudel is working as a Research Coordinator at the Gandaki Province Academy of Science and Technology Since January 2023. Mr. Poudel is a forestry graduate with a deep passion for preserving and conserving our natural environment. He has spent the past six years working for the government, focusing primarily on nature conservation, particularly in soil and watershed management. During his time in this role, he has been involved in a wide range of projects and initiatives aimed at protecting our natural resources, including monitoring and controlling erosion, reducing pollution, and restoring damaged ecosystems.

Umesh is highly passionate about researching water management. His research interests extend to exploring innovative technologies and novel approaches to water conservation, as well as investigating suitable adaptation practices in the face of climate change.

At GPAST, he currently oversees the management and coordination of research projects, ensuring their successful completion as well as handling daily administrative procedures related to these projects.